babylon54ever (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Hi all |
I'm new to trek passions. I just think it is soo cool to have a dating website for people who love sci-fi. I've been a long time sci-fi fan. However I like Star Trek, I have to say that my favorites sci-fi TV shows were Farscape, Firefly, and Babylon 5. Right know I am watching Dr. Who and Stargate Universe. Of course Battlestar Galactica was awesome (in spite of the unfortunate series finale).
I think is safe to say that I've watched at some point, every sci-fi TV show there was.. from the great ones to the lamest.
I dig also books written by Asimov, Arthur Clark, and Ursula LeGuin among others.
I am looking for a man to share my inner geek with What to know more? just look me up!